Law no. 285: Stakeholders

The stakeholders engaged in the pursuit of the objectives established by Law no. 285 are primarily:

  • the members of the Technical Coordination Table

The Technical Coordination Table of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Beneficiary Cities is based on the principles of the open method of coordination, which promotes the exchange of experiences and dialogue in order for the institutions to share common paths and methods. Since 2007 the coordination table has held periodical technical meetings in order to discuss both financial aspects and the strengthening and/or revision of the planning mechanisms of childhood policies in the framework of Law no. 285.


  • the representatives of the Beneficiary Cities

The representatives of the Beneficiary Cities are the officials responsible for childhood and adolescence policies and for the management of the funds allocated through Law no. 285 in their Municipalities. They take part in the meetings of the coordination table and they collaborate with the National Centre in monitoring the implementation of the Law.  Contacts of representatives


  • third sector organizations


    The third sector is more and more involved in the implementation and management of the projects funded through Law no. 285. It also plays an important role in the development of social services, as well as in the network of collaborations and exchanges between the institutions and other entities which was strongly promoted by Law no. 285/97 and later by Law no. 328/00.


The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has signed a specific agreement with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence to carry out the activities related to the functions described by Law no. 285/1997. The Istituto degli Innocenti uses the human, technical and physical resources that are necessary to carry out the research, training and documentation activities.