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As regards the legal field, beside the articles Le punizioni corporali nel diritto internazionale (Corporal punishment in international law) by Paolo De Stefani – with the fact sheet by Tessa Onida summarizing relevant case law and international judgments – and Una legge per la dislessia (A law on dyslexia) by Alessandra Luci, this issue of the journal contains an article by Simonetta Matone, Chairperson of the National Centre, who introduces the law establishing the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents.

The interviews focus on two very interesting topics for child upbringing: the relationship between upbringing and the promotion of relational models overcoming gender stereotypes and the protection of children from the risk of sexual abuse.

The section dedicated to policies in favour of children and adolescents contains an article on the third National Action Plan for the protection of the rights and development of children and adolescents, as well as an article on the experimental project Risc,carried out by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy to find new solutions for the protection of children at risk of being abandoned. The section Dalla parte dei cittadini in crescita presents the experience of the local educational workshops organized in two Beneficiary Cities (Genoa and Catania).

The legislative overview by Tessa Onida concludes the first issue of Cittadini in crescita, illustrated by Grazia Nidasio.

The journal is available for free download; paper copies can be requested for free (except for the payment of delivery costs) to the Information desk of the National Centre.

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