The statistics database of the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis for Childhood and Adolescence is the reference framework for the Index of Childhood and Adolescent Well-Being in Italy, a project promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Family Policies and carried out by the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence.
The index aims to promote reflection and verification of the state of the art on the living conditions of children and young people in the different situations in our country, in the knowledge that the data can serve to guide and support choices and the consequent possible innovative experimentation.
The construction of the Index is based on the choice of a series of domains, which in turn are divided into a variable number of sub-domains in which a set of indicators are selected in order to depict the phenomena in their temporal and territorial evolution.
The Children's Well-Being Index is developed around 7 domains of meaningfulness identified to account for elements considered highly significant in assessing the well-being of children and young people:
1. Promotion and prevention
2. Acceptance and protection
3. Education and inclusion
4. Equality between generations
5. Balancing work and care
6. Perceived well-being
7. Quality of policies
The results of this activity can be consulted through a web portal, from which it is possible to access interactively a series of reasoned graphic representations for each territorial area of interest:
- national level
- level of the 5 macro-areas of the country
- level of each individual region and autonomous province.
Consult the Wellness Index