Notebook 59 - Projects in 2013

copertina del Quaderno 59 - Relazione sullo stato di attuazione della L. 285 anno 2013

The Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2013, published in the National Centre's Notebook 59, is divided into seven chapters.
The first presents an analysis of the projects implemented by the fifteen cities and with funds made available by Law 285 for 2013. The second illustrates the process that led to the construction of the "Nomenclature for children and adolescents", a new tool for mapping services and interventions for children and adolescents in the riservatarie cities, developed on the basis of the "Cisis Nomenclature". The third reports the results of empirical research on the state of health of welfare in the riservatarie cities carried out in 2014. The fourth and fifth chapters report the results of two experimental projects involving the riservatarie cities: Pippi and R.S.C. The sixth chapter is dedicated to children and adolescents outside their family of origin and the seventh presents a survey on the English system of protection and care for children and adolescents.

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