Sociologist Andrea Failli's bibliographical path, dedicated to the orphans of domestic crimes, is very wide-ranging because it is not limited to special orphans, but starts from the phenomenon of feminicide, analysing the socio-cultural obstacles to the realisation of gender equity, gender and domestic violence, feminicide and the measures aimed at combatting it. The topic is not only analysed from a bibliographical point of view, but also from a statistical and regulatory point of view. This is followed by an analysis of special orphans.
Anna Antonini's filmography highlights how cinema has been very familiar with orphans, but not with special orphans, whose stories, when dealt with, are a corollary to the story of the couple involved in the violence. Cinema seems to have treated the condition of the special orphan with an 'embarrassed silence', preferring to remove it from the scene. Only in the last few years have there been films on the subject, “exposè” films that are sometimes inspired by news events.
View online The Supplement RB 1/2019