Notebook 51 - "L'Italia minore"

Notebook 51 of the National Centre - edited by Valerio Belotti, Professor of Sociology at the University of Padua, and Enrico Moretti, Statistician at the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence - proposes a precise collection and analysis of the various institutional statistical indicators available to date concerning children.

The volume is composed of four chapters. The first chapter provides the analysis of some international experiences and presents the proposal of a new map for the organization of data; the second chapter proposes an analysis of the main changes that have affected the social conditions of children over the last decade; the third chapter tries to consider such conditions in a European perspective in order to show some national peculiarities; whereas the fourth chapter proposes a comparative picture of the inequalities in the well-being prospects of the Italian children in the different Italian regions.

Two Annexes complete the Notebook: the first one contains the national map of dimensions and indicators according to the data available as of December 2010, whereas the second one aims to provide some information on the system used for the data re-organization to combine the different variables and indicators representing the various dimensions of the child well-being.

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