The Save the Children programme called Ad Ali spiegate (Spreading their Wings) proposes an integrated approach to combat gender-based violence, domestic violence and witnessed violence, delivered in collaboration with regional partners, such as anti-violence centres and shelters.
Among other actions, the programme includes the provision of grants for mother-child households. "Grants are extremely flexible tools for caring tailored to the needs of the household and can be focused on: the independence and empowerment of women (independence grants), household access to positive and growing experiences, to improve both the personal well-being of children and their mothers, and the mother-child relationship based on the principle that the well-being of a single member of the household inevitably reflects on the others (psycho-educational grants). The interventions can be centred on play and socialisation (recreational grants), or the recovery and enhancement of personal skills and talents (training grants)".
The news on the initiative published on Save the Children's website reports the story of a mother and her daughter who participated in the programme.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic Gender-based violence and Domestic violence accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.