A guide to accompany coaches and sports managers in their work to support the growth of children involved in sports activities.
The publication, entitled The Protection of the Rights of Children in Sport, was presented on 20 October during the YES – Youth & Education + Sport – Right to Sport for Children seminar, which took place in Misterbianco, in the province of Catania, as part of Fiera Didacta, the most important national trade fair event dedicated to the world of schools, universities, training and scientific research.
The guide – promoted by the Department for Sport, the Authority for Childhood and Adolescence and the Scuola dello Sport of Sport e Salute S.p.A – analyses the close link between sports practice and the well-being of minors, not least in view of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent.
"The aim", reads the document, "is to promote consideration of each issue addressed, to share practices and to make the sporting world's capacity to respond consistent throughout the country, regardless of the different organisational context".
Many topics are addressed in the eleven chapters of the guide, which was written with the involvement of numerous experts: from eating disorders in sports to violence and abuse in sports, from gender equality in sports to combating the use of prohibited substances.
The publication is available both on the Department of Sport's website, in the dedicated news item, and on the Supervisory Authority for Children and Adolescents' website in the dedicated news item.
Other materials and news items can be found on this website under the topics Sports and the Rights of children and adolescents, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.