More than 6,500 young people between the ages of 12 and 18 took part in the public consultation The Future I'd Like, carried out by the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) Carla Garlatti together with Skuola.net.
The results – unveiled on 12 June in Rome – are collected in the publication of the same title, available in the "Publications" section of the AGIA website.
"With this consultation", explains Garlatti in the introduction, "we not only wanted to provide young people with an opportunity to be heard and to participate, but we also wanted to urge the institutions to pay greater attention to an age group that all too often is sacrificed and therefore feels excluded and disregarded".
The text of the questions was prepared in partnership with the Authority's Youth Council – a consultation body formed by a group of young people aged between 13 and 17 – with the support of psychotherapist Mauro Di Lorenzo.
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