The parent-child relationship, amid the rights and needs for protection: meetings in a protected environment is the new initiative promoted by the Ombudsperson for Children (Agia) to carry out a review of the most widespread practices in meetings in a protected environment, pinpointing critical issues and instances of good practice. A project that was set up precisely with the aim of assessing the repeatability and sustainability of the good practices launched in this area in the various regional settings, in order to identify suitable operating methods to be circulated at national level.
A round of consultations with national experts, academics and professionals in the health and psycho-socio-educational sectors is planned, but also inter-professional regional focus groups to foster the exchange of procedures and experiences.
The outcome of the work will be a proposal document with recommendations of the Authority and a Child Friendly Charter of Rights for children meeting their parents in a neutral space.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topics Family relationships and Child protection, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.