Informing and raising awareness about online bullying, underlining the support of institutions to victims and the commitment of public administrations to combat the phenomenon to ensure greater online safety of children and young people: this is the objective of the fourth campaign to raise awareness and combat cyberbullying launched by the Department for Family Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on 7 February, on the occasion of Safer Internet Day, the World Day for Online Safety established by the European Commission.
Together, we win! is the slogan of the 2023 edition, chosen precisely to underline the importance of creating a network with families, civil society and institutions, so that victims of cyberbullying do not feel alone and, knowing they are heard, can speak about their discomfort.
The campaign's video ad – made by the Department in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Media Safeguards Authority and with the technical and scientific support of the Istituto degli Innocenti – aims to raise awareness among young people about the phenomenon and its consequences, which may concern relationships, emotions and social behaviours, whether they are victims or witnesses or perpetrators of online bullying.
A thirty-second ad in which the narrating voice – accompanied by graphic images and dynamic lettering that flow quickly to the notes of a musical background – invites children and teenagers to become aware of cyberbullying, indicating the adult figures of reference to turn to in case of need: friends, teachers, parents and institutions.
The campaign – active until 7 March 2023 – includes a broadcast plan on RAI television and radio networks and on the main social media: in particular on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Spotify.
The ad is available on the website of the Department for Family Policies, on the dedicated campaign page.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic, Bulling and Cyberbulling accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.