The national survey entitled Il lavoro regolare minorile tra formazione e sicurezza [Regular child labour between training and safety], carried out by the Childhood and Adolescence Supervisory Authority as part of the Fase [Formazione sicura in età adolescenziale - Safe training in adolescence] project, promoted in collaboration with the Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research (Iprs) and the Censis Foundation, is now online.
The study offers an in-depth analysis, on a national scale, of the quantitative dimension of the phenomenon of regular child labor, which concerns young people between 15 and 17 years of age, and of the quality of the work experience, both from the point of view of preventing risks at work as well as from the point of view of training.
The survey is available on the website of the Supervisory Authority for Children and Adolescents, in the 'Publications' section.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic, Child labour, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.