On 10 August 2022, the National Observatory on the Family - re-established by Minister Elena Bonetti's decree of 24 January 2020 - approved the new National Plan for the Family, a strategic document that defines the priorities, objectives and actions to be promoted for the improved conduct of family policies in our country.
The Plan is the result of a coordinated and inclusive process that involved all actors and entities from the public and private sectors, civil society and the third sector. In this regard, it is important to recall the work carried out over the past two years: the commitment of the Observatory's dedicated groups; the theme-based preparatory webinars for the Fourth National Conference on the Family, which took place between July and September 2021; the Fourth National Conference on the Family, which was held on 3 and 4 December 2021; and the two public consultations that provided further contribution to the Plan (15 July-5 November 2021 and 5-19 July 2022).
"The Plan" – can be read in the news published on the Department for Family Policies website - is structured according to a dynamic model inspired by the family life cycle in order to provide a framework of objectives and actions organised in an effective and cohesive manner. The macro-areas "growing adults", "generativity and parenting", "family dynamics" and "intergenerationality" are included. The specific actions of each macro area were then further subdivided into "defined and ongoing actions", which are already reflected in the Relevant Regulations framework as they are foreseen in other plans, strategies or policy programming tools, and into "new actions to be implemented", or which are characterised by their independent and innovative nature and therefore require new and additional regulations, policies or interventions in order to be implemented. This information is completed by referring to the actors responsible for their implementation, targets and any available financial resources".
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the theme Family policies and social plans, which can be reached from the "Topics" navigation menu.