Dreams, challenges and difficulties of a migrant teenager alone in Italy. They are told in the podcast Storia di A., dreams and battles of a migrant child alone in Italy, broadcast on Rai Radio 3 at 7.50 pm and on RaiPlay Sound from Monday 24 to Thursday 27 October.
The star of the four-part podcast – produced by UNICEF in collaboration with the Coordinamento nazionale comunità di accoglienza (National Coordination of Host Communities) (Cnca) and produced by Marco Stefanelli – is Abdul, who arrived in Italy in 2017 from the Ivory Coast at the age of 14 as an unaccompanied migrant child.
The young migrant recounts his story from his arrival in our country to his placement in the reception system. A story that is interwoven with that of the people who helped him in Italy, such as the teacher who assumed guardianship of him at the time when the law establishing this figure came into force, or the family that took him in, through the Terreferme family fostering scheme, set up by UNICEF and the Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità di Accoglienza (the Italian body for the coordination of care communities) together with other organisations to promote family-based care for unaccompanied children and minor migrants and refugees who arrive in Italy.
The Terreferme project – launched in 2017 with the collaboration of three "pilot" regions (Sicily, Lombardy and Veneto) – aims at testing and defining a family-based foster care model as a second hosting response for migrant children and adolescents arriving in Italy as unaccompanied minors. Funded by the European Union, it will end in December 2022.
Other materials and news items can be found on this website under the topic Unaccompanied foreign children, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.