The Intercultural Guidelines document is online on the Ministry of Education website. Ideas and proposals for the inclusion of pupils from migrant backgrounds, prepared by the National Observatory for the Integration of Foreign Pupils and Intercultural Education of the Ministry of Education.
Available in the dedicated press release, the text updates and modernises the previous Guidelines for the Welcome and Integration of Foreign Pupils of 2014 and aims to offer organisational procedures and operational indications to foster the inclusion of all students and an intercultural dimension in every school.
"In recent years, schools have made many advances on issues of inclusion and focus on welcome and integration," the document reads, "but disparities and criticalities still remain, even for students from migratory backgrounds who were born and raised in Italy. There is also a real risk that the effects of the pandemic have led to the deepening of the criticality and fragility, and the deepening of divisions and inequalities, as highlighted by the data of the Invalsi Report 2021."
The publication is divided into three parts: the first is devoted to the context and legal references; the second, which focuses on the subjects targeted by the actions, analyses various aspects, including the inclusive education and training system from zero to six years of age, citizenship and the new generations, and unaccompanied foreign children; the third, entitled "the concerns and recommendations," explores other issues, such as teaching the Italian language and the appreciation of multilingualism, the transversal teaching of civic education, and the training of school leaders, teachers and non-teaching staff.
"The Guidelines," explained the news published on the Ministry of Education's website, "constitute a reference point for schools and Regional School Offices also for defining the interventions and measures that will be made possible thanks to the resources allocated with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, regarding, for example, overcoming territorial gaps, continuous training and orientation."
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic Intercultural Education, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.