On 14 September, in Bergamo, the event Dalla prevenzione alla cura: l’esperienza dell’Ambito territoriale di Bergamo nella lotta al maltrattamento infantile (From prevention to treatment: the experience of the Bergamo area in the fight against child abuse) will be held. A public meeting that will be an opportunity to present the work carried out in the framework of the European project Pearls for Children, in which, in addition to Italy, Lithuania and Poland also participate. In Italy, it is implemented by Cesvi and concerns the Bergamo area (municipalities of Bergamo, Gorle, Orio al Serio, Ponteranica, Sorisole, and Torre Boldone).
The project – financed by the European Union, started in October 2020 and concluding in September 2022 – represented an initial pilot experiment based on an integrated intervention model designed to prevent and combat child abuse at the local level. A phenomenon that – reads the Pearls for Children website – "is one of the most common and serious adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) experienced by 55 million children in the EU".
During the event on 14 September, the project activities will be illustrated: among them, a training course on the model of assisted resilience addressed to professionals from the medical, educational, social services and law enforcement sectors, and the creation and operation of the Area Child Abuse Group, composed of some 25 professionals from the area who have been actively working on the drafting of an intervention strategy on the issue at the local level.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic Abuse against children and adolescents, which can be reached from the "Topics" navigation menu.