In 2022, there were 69,601 workers aged between 15 and 17 in our country, up from 51,845 in 2021.
This was revealed in the report Child labour in Italy: risks, accidents and safety in the workplace, published on 12 June by Unicef, during an online meeting promoted by the organisation to mark the World Day against Child Labour.
Edited by the Public Health Laboratory for Community Health Needs Analysis at the University of Salerno, the report examines data on child labour and work-related accidents in Italy over the five-year period 2017–2021, broken down by age, region and gender.
As part of the activities of the Unicef Observatory for the Prevention of Harm to Health from Child Labour, the report is available on the organisation's website, in the dedicated news item.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic Child labour, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.