Adolescents and services: thematic path

Adolescents as a problem, adolescents as a resource is the title of the reading path created by Patrizia Meringolo, Professor of Group and Community Psychology at the University of Florence. With a community psychology perspective, the first part of the reading path offers a review of studies and interventions on adolescents and their critical issues (learning difficulties, deviance, bullying, emotional-behavioural discomfort, identity construction...) and, in the second part, analyses the activities that involve adolescents in the social promotion of their reference contexts.

Dealing with the theme of "adolescents and services", the filmographic path, written by Clizia Centorrino - Professor of Aesthetics and History of Cinema, Université Grenoble Alpes - and Marco Dalla Gassa - Professor of History and Criticism of Cinema, Ca' Foscari University of Venice - focuses on the figure of the social worker who plays a central role in this relationship, highlighting the schematic nature of its cinematic representation.

View online The Supplement 2/2017


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