Bibliographic review on childhood and adolescence 3/07 - Disability

The theme of disability is addressed in this reading from a pedagogical perspective. The authors, Marisa Pavone and Riziero Zucchi, retrace the historical evolution of disability, starting from educability as a model of approach to the person and analysing, in contemporary times, the ways in which the dynamics of integration are articulated, with particular interest in school integration.

The concept of educability proposed by great figures such as Itard, Séguin and Montessori triggered a historical and cultural process of emancipation of individuals with disabilities, culminating in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13th December 2006 and ratified by 83 countries, which have undertaken to adopt the rules contained in the document.

Disability is no longer understood as a minority problem, but as an experience that everyone can experience in the course of existence.

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