In many countries stricken by war, funding for the protection of children in armed conflicts does not keep up with the growing number of families and children at risk.
The Save the Children report Unprotected: An Analysis of Funding for Child Protection in Armed Conflict emphasises the significance of adequate funding to reduce the impact of violence on the lives of the youngest children.
The report revealed that by 2022, some 22.4 million children in need and their adult caregivers were targeted for child protection services requiring nearly USD 795 million in funding.
However, governments have found that only 19% of the necessary funds have been made available, creating a financial gap of more than USD 646 million and leaving nearly 18 million children and adult caregivers without help and support.
The report is available on the Save the Children website in the "Publications" section.
Other materials and news can be found on this site under the topic Children in armed conflicts, accessible from the "Topics" navigation menu.