The publication Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools, a study by the Eurydice Network, is now online on the website of the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (Indire). This study examines how mathematics and science teaching is organised in Europe and analyses the criteria for assessing student achievement and the support strategies put in place when there are learning difficulties.
Available in the dedicated news section, the publication offers an in-depth look at what educational authorities in European countries can do to strengthen student motivation, raise achievement levels and help those who are falling behind, particularly in mathematics and science.
Among other things, the study shows that the most common way of supporting students with learning difficulties is one-to-one or small group support, made available during or outside school hours. Education systems that provide this support during school hours tend to have lower percentages of low-achieving students in mathematics and science.
The document further highlights that educational systems in which teachers specialised in supporting low-achieving students (so-called "remedial teachers") are involved in the provision of educational support have a lower average percentage of low-achieving students in mathematics than countries without such teachers. There is no specialised teacher in Italy and the support activity is carried out by the class teacher.
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