Children from the poorest families benefit less from national public funding for education.
According to the recent UNICEF report Transforming Education with Equitable Financing, on average the poorest 20% of students benefit from only 16% of public funding for education, compared to the richest, who benefit from 28%. In low-income countries, only 11% of public funding for education goes to the poorest students, while 42% goes to the richest.
The study – an analysis of data on public spending on pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education from 102 countries – highlights that a one percentage point increase in the allocation of public education resources to the poorest 20% could lift 35 million primary school-age children out of learning poverty.
The report stresses the need for urgent action to ensure that education resources reach every student, setting out four key recommendations: unlocking pro-equity public funding for education; prioritising public funding for basic learning; monitoring and ensuring equitable allocation of education aid in development and humanitarian settings; investing in innovative pathways to ensure education.
The publication is available on the UNICEF website, in the dedicated news item.
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