This is a survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI and concerning the projects implemented by Municipalities to meet the needs of families and children. The monitoring activity is aimed at better understanding the types of adopted actions.
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This fourth edition reports, for the year 2020, the update of the recognition of the good practices that the Municipalities have implemented within the offer of services and interventions in the field of family policies, and financed by...
This is a survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI -and concerning the projects implemented by Municipalities to meet the needs of families...
This second edition reports, for the year 2019, the update of the survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI - and concerning the projects...
This edition reports, for the year 2017, the update of the survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI - and concerning the projects implemented...