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Children's well-being index 2023. The summary indicator on the well-being of girls and boys, in Italy, by territorial breakdown, in regions, aims to promote reflection and verification of the state of the art on...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th....
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
Issue 4/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
Trafficking in human beings has similar characteristics all over the world: migrants, recruited in their countries of origin with the promise of better living conditions in the European Union, often become victims of various forms of...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
There is a parental control tool available to parents to protect their children from inappropriate online content, according by the new communication and information campaign designed by the Department for Family Policies and carried...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
The right to family unity and foreign children
What interests must be evaluated to protect family life?
The historical issue that gave rise to the Supreme Court's ruling examined in this work is...
The supplement to number 2/2023 of the Bibliographical Review consists of a reading list entitled Good Birth: a multidimensional concept. Reflections, policies and practices...
New perspectives in protection against bullying and cyberbullying
Bullying and cyberbullying are closely related manifestations that cause concern because of their escalation in recent years and the harm caused...
The national survey entitled Il lavoro regolare minorile tra formazione e sicurezza [Regular child labour between training and safety], carried out by the Childhood and Adolescence Supervisory Authority as part of the Fase...
The Frontier of Rights is Unicef's new report on under-18 migrants and refugees, an overview of unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy and the main landing and transit sites where the organization is active, from the southern to...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed...
The Guide for children and youngsters, Girls and Boys alike, to the National Plan for Preventing and Combating Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Minors (2022-2023), produced by the Department for Family Policies of the...
School and social inclusion of children and young people with disabilities
The right to education and the principle of equality are the pillars that guide the whole structure around which the legal framework of...
In the 2021/2022 school year, 13,518 nurseries and supplementary services for early childhood are active and more than 350,000 places are authorized (48.8 per cent of which are under public ownership).
There has...
Risk prevention in schools and student safety protection
Being able to feel safe in any environment is a basic need that goes along with both the promotion of a culture of risk prevention and the implementation...
Medically assisted procreation still under examination by the Constitutional Court. Which constraints to the withdrawal of the consent?
With Ruling No. 161 of 24 July 2023, the Constitutional Court once...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are...
Harmonizing family and work time: a right and an opportunity for children
The legal study, starting with the analysis of the Directive of the European Parliament and the EU Council, 10 May 2023, no. 2023 /970 of...
Promoting and enhancing intergenerational relations
The first generational exchange projects originated in the United States in the late 1960s with the aim of exploiting the resources of the younger and older...