
  • 2020/11/18

    World Children’s Day 2020

    The video was made to celebrate World Children’s Day 2020, as part of the communication campaign run by the Department for Family Policy. World Children’s Day, set out by the Italian Government in Law No 451 of 1997, is held on 20 November each year and is aimed at raising awareness of the values laid out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The...
  • Particolare della copertina del rapporto Levels and trends in child mortality 2020

    Child mortality, Unicef-WHO report 2020

    In 2019, the number of deaths between the ages of zero and five worldwide, dropped to the lowest point ever recorded in history (5.2 million, down nearly 60 percent from 12.5 million in 1990). This was reported in the document Levels and Trends in Child Mortality 2020, produced by Unicef, the World Health Organization, the United Nations...
  • sagoma in nero di un ragazzo con le braccia levate al cielo

    An agreement to protect minors from organized crime families

    Ensuring an alternative life for minors from families rooted in organized crime contexts: this is the goal of the memorandum of understanding signed on November 5 by the Minister of Education, University and Research Lorenzo Fioramonti, the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, the Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family Elena Bonetti. Among the...
  • immagine in bianco e nero con mani di adulto che proteggono il piede di un neonato

    Istat, Demographic Indicators 2018

    Births in our country continue to decline: in 2018 there were 449,000 births, 9,000 less than the previous lowest recorded in 2017. This is a finding in Istat's Demographic Indicators report, which contains estimates for the year 2018. The data show that in just ten years, from 2008 to 2018, births decreased by 128 ,000. "On the...
  • Copertina del rapporto dell'Isfol Garanzia giovani

    "Youth Guarantee," Isfol report

    Among young people who have taken advantage of a service provided by the Youth Guarantee Program, one-third found a job at one month from completion, 40 percent at three months and 43 percent at six months. This is according to Isfol's Rapporto sulla Garanzia Giovani in Italia [Report on Youth Guarantee in Italy], an analysis of the first two years...