The information activity of the National Centre focuses on specific reference services, that represent not only a first information guidance to external users on the functions of and products elaborated by the Centre, but also an internal coordination point for the different stakeholders and operators working together for the implementation of the Centre’s activities. .
In particular, the provided services are:
The promotion activities aim at informing the users on the activity of the National Centre and the Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence, namely at sharing with the users the products of the Centre’s activity of documentation and investigation, through the systematic dissemination of publications, reports, summaries, abstracts, agendas, brochures, etc.
The promotion of the activities of the National Centre also includes the organization and management of information meetings and points concerning the activities and publications of the Centre, and the participation, with experts, in initiatives held throughout the national territory, including the National Conferences on Childhood and the National Conferences on Family.
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Children's well-being index 2023. The summary indicator on the well-being of girls and boys, in Italy, by territorial breakdown, in regions, aims to promote reflection and verification of the state of the art on...
Issue 4/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
The supplement to number 2/2023 of the Bibliographical Review consists of a reading list entitled Good Birth: a multidimensional concept. Reflections, policies and practices...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
Issue 3/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to...
Issue 2/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
Planning, designing and managing for quality in the integrated system
The Handbook of childcare services, promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Family Policies...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
Issue 1/23 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
The supplement to number 4/2022 of the bibliographical review is composed of a reading path entitled Planning and spreading of Family Centres in Italy and Tuscany by Francesco...
Issue 4/22 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols....
The Report to Parliament on the coordinated activity referred to in article 17, paragraph 1, of Italian Law no. 269 of 3 August 1998 (Regulations against the exploitation of prostitution, pornography and sex tourism to the...
National Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of children
This National Plan, which is the second adopted since the law was enacted, is the result of a broadly...
The supplement to issue 3/2022 of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled 'Diritto alla partecipazione di bambini, bambine, ragazzi e ragazze: il percorso dell’acquisizione di una consapevolezza (Right...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
Issue 3/22 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection...
The new National Plan for the Family is a strategic document that defines the priorities, objectives, and actions to be promoted for the improved organisation of family policies in our country.
Approved on 10...
The supplement to the 2/2022 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading path entitled L'impatto della pornografia online sulle persone di minore età tra mito e realtà (virtuale) (The impact of online pornography on...
The supplement to the 1/2022 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled I servizi integrativi tra norme, diffusione quantitativa ed elementi di qualità (The supplementary services between standards,...
The guidelines for the participation of children and young people are intended to offer and propose a renewed look at the participation practices of children and young people, presenting some ...
The Fifth National Action Plan for the protection of the rights and the development of children and adolescents has been approved by the National Observatory for childhood and adolescence ...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
Issue 2/22 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
This biennial report on children and adolescents in Italy was drawn up by the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Children and Adolescents, pursuant to Article 3(2d) Presidential Decree 103 of 14 May 2007.
As with the...
This biennial report on children and adolescents in Italy was drawn up by the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Children and Adolescents, pursuant to Article 3(2d) Presidential Decree 103 of 14 May 2007....
Issue 1/22 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection...