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New perspectives in protection against bullying and cyberbullying
Bullying and cyberbullying are closely related manifestations that cause concern because of their escalation in recent years and the harm caused...
Informing and raising awareness about online bullying, underlining the support of institutions to victims and the commitment of public administrations to combat the phenomenon to ensure greater online safety of children and young people...
The varying phenomena of sexting, revenge porn and sextortion are covered...
Draft laws on bullying & cyberbullying
In recent years the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying has received increasing attention within the Italian legal system in the face of increasingly abusive...
Secure internet access. Protection against online abuse, exploitation and violence against children
Digital technologies are an integral part of children's lives, as instruments for communication and relationships...
Cyberbullying, if you talk about it you'll get help, is the claim of the third edition of the communication campaign launched on 30 January and carried out by the Department for Family Policies of the Presidency of the Council...
Raising awareness among the public, and especially among families with teenage children, on the issue of cyberbullying, offering parents specific tools to deal with critical situations in which their children are victims of the...
The phenomenon of cyberbullying is the topic discussed in the online supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 4/2013.
Antonella Brighi, Sandra Maria Elena Nicoletti - Lecturers at the Department of...
Il bullismo in ambito scolastico è un tema di grande attualità, ampiamente dibattuto sui media, oggetto di studi e ricerche. Il numero 1/2007 di Cittadini in crescita si sofferma su questo argomento, tracciando un quadro del fenomeno...