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In our country, four out of ten children who take part in sport are victims of violence in the sporting context.
Children and young people suffer psychological violence (30%), physical violence (19%), neglect (15%) and sexual...
The Report to Parliament on the coordinated activity referred to in article 17, paragraph 1, of Italian Law no. 269 of 3 August 1998 (Regulations against the exploitation of prostitution, pornography and sex tourism to the...
Preventing and combating violence against girls and young women: a legal framework
Violence against girls and young women is a wide-ranging and very complex problem. The dynamics, the developments, and the...
Children in Latin America and the Caribbean are at risk of violence at home, at school and on the streets from the age of one year.
According to the recent UNICEF report, A Statistical Profile of Violence Against Children in...
A survey of draft laws under discussion in Parliament on preventing and combating the abuse and mistreatment of children in the educational and school environment
Violence against children can take very...
Child abuse remains a particularly serious problem in our society, with very serious consequences on the health of the children who suffer it and, in more general terms, on the whole community. The fifth edition of the Regional Index...
Secure internet access. Protection against online abuse, exploitation and violence against children
Digital technologies are an integral part of children's lives, as instruments for communication and relationships...
Communication campaign service 114
"Come out of the dark. Ask for help", is the slogan of the communication campaign aimed at raising awareness of the public utility service "...
Child abuse and maltreatment is the topic of the online supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 3/2013. Sarah Miragoli, Research Fellow in Developmental Psychology, CRIdee, Cattolica University of Milan, explores the phenomenon...
L’ultimo numero di Cittadini in crescita per l’anno 2004 è dedicato all’approfondimento del tema della violenza all’infanzia, a partire dai Contributi che ne affrontano i diversi aspetti con un taglio complementare....
The booklet 'Safe Exit' is the result of a work promoted by the National Centre in 2002, which involved a group of adolescents in a reflective process (a workshop of ideas) on the topic of violence.
The confrontation between the...