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The research report presents the results of the ex-post monitoring of the use by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of the financial resources of the National Fund for Family Policies, promoted by the Department for Family Policies,...
This fourth edition reports, for the year 2020, the update of the recognition of the good practices that the Municipalities have implemented within the offer of services and interventions in the field of family policies, and financed by...
On 13 June, the inaugural meeting of the new National Observatory on the Family, a technical-scientific support body for the formulation of national family policies set up at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, was held.
...The 2023 edition of the International Day of Families, to be celebrated on 15 May, is focused on the topic of Demographic Trends and Families.
An important anniversary, established in...
Conferences with institutional representatives and experts, as well as cultural, recreational and sports events open to families and all citizens. Once again this year, the Family Festival, which opened in Trento on 28 November, offers...
Fighting against poverty affecting children and their families: a legal framework
The problem of poverty and the social inequalities that it...
The new National Plan for the Family is a strategic document that defines the priorities, objectives, and actions to be promoted for the improved organisation of family policies in our country.
Approved on 10...
On 10 August 2022, the National Observatory on the Family - re-established by Minister Elena Bonetti's decree of 24 January 2020 - approved the new National Plan for the Family, a strategic document that defines the...
The Single and Universal Allowance for Dependent Children is an economic benefit for families, paid by INPS on the basis of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) of the household, which simplifies and replaces many of the...
The family plays a fundamental role in society and is a vital resource not only for the people who are part of it but for the whole community. The International Day of Families is celebrated on 15 May. This was established in 1993 by...
The campaign video on the Single and Universal Benefit for Dependent Children is now online on the Department for Family Policies' website. It briefly illustrates the main points of the new measure for families in simple and clear...
Family and family-related policies: a legal framework
The family is a fundamental institution that has been radically transformed, especially since the entry into force of the 1948 Republican Constitution and the...
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan: an in-depth look at the measures planned within the framework of policies for childhood, adolescence and families
In 2020, the EU provided an unprecedented response to...
The final Report of the seventh edition (2018-2020) of the PIPPI Programme, by the University of Padua’s Laboratory of Research and...
The research report presents the results of the ex-post monitoring of the use by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of the financial resources of the National Fund for Family Policies, promoted by the Department for Family Policies,...
This is a survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI -and concerning the projects implemented by Municipalities to meet the needs of families...
The Department for Family Policies has always worked towards promoting and implementing, in synergy with the Regions, policies in favour of families and children that, over time, have been carefully monitored. The data from this...
This second edition reports, for the year 2019, the update of the survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI - and concerning the projects...
The research report presents the results of the ex-post monitoring of the use by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of the financial resources of the National Fund for Family Policies, promoted by the Department for Family Policies,...
This edition reports, for the year 2017, the update of the survey activity promoted by the Department for Family Policies in collaboration with the Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence and ANCI - and concerning the projects implemented...
This Report was produced in implementation of the Convention stipulated on 10 April 2017 between the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Family Policies and the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence for the monitoring...
PIPPI Programma di Intervento per la Prevenzione dell’Istituzionalizzazione (Intervention Programme for the Prevention of Institutionalisation) was established at the end of 2010.
It was the result of...