The activity of documentation consists of finding, selecting, cataloguing and disseminating documents relating to childhood and adolescence and produced in the regulatory, bibliographic, statistical and filmographic fields. The resources can be in both paper and electronic format. The catalogued documentation can be accessed from the Catalogue of the A.C. Moro Innocenti Library.
The statistical documentation has no longer been updated in the catalogue after 2010 and can currently be found in the Analysis, research and monitoring section of the website.
The documentation activity also includes the creation of web products and publications such as the Childhood and Adolescence Bibliographic Review with its supplements Thematic Paths, the Bulletin of the Library's new bibliographic and legal entries, reviews and legal comments.
For this activity, specific cataloguing tools have been developed: the Childhood and Adolescence Classification Scheme, used for the classification and placement of the documents, and the Italian Th.I.A.-Thesaurus of Childhood and Adolescence, used for the indexing of the documentation.
The documentation activity is available for the institutional bodies of reference, professionals and service operators, scholars and students, as well as individual citizens interested in these topics.
The public service for the consultation and lending of documents is provided by the A.C. Moro Innocenti Library, created by the Istituto degli Innocenti in collaboration with the UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, in agreement with the Italian Government and the Tuscany Region.
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Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian Thesaurus...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. -...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian Thesaurus...
Draft laws on bullying & cyberbullying
In recent years the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying has received increasing attention within the Italian legal system in the face of increasingly abusive...
The right to health as a priority for the present and the future: a legal framework
April 7 marks World Health Day, an annual international event that is celebrated to draw attention to a topic of concern to...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Issue 1/22 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection...
Paternity leave: a legal framework
Paternity leave is essential to promote a culture of shared childcare and parenthood and to foster full gender equality in the sharing of roles and the management of working...
The supplement to the 4/2021 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled La cura delle relazioni nei percorsi adoptivi e nel post adozione (Building relationships during and after the adoption...
Testimony of the child at the preliminary investigation stage. Evidentiary proceedings and forms of protection for children.
What protection is provided for the testimony of children in criminal proceedings...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Secure internet access. Protection against online abuse, exploitation and violence against children
Digital technologies are an integral part of children's lives, as instruments for communication and relationships...
Distance learning and integrated digital education in times of pandemic: main legal provisions and division of competences between State and Regions
The health emergency caused by Covid-19 has impacted the...
Monthly list of new bibliographic acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
Monthly list of new legal acquisitions from the Innocenti Library.
The documents are organized by topic according to the Classification scheme of childhood and adolescence and are indexed with the Th.I.A. - Italian...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate...
The assignment of the family home in the delicate dynamics of family crisis.
How are the criteria for allocating a family home to a separated or divorced spouse with...
The enhancement of intrafamilial foster care in the most recent court of cassation case-law. The contribution of vicarious figures
In the context of temporary foster...
Issue 4/21 of the quarterly journal Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza is a dynamic pdf, with internal hyperlinks and links to the web, indicated by dedicated symbols.
The journal offers a selection...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate professional...
The decarceration of mothers in the interest of children. Covid-19's impact on prison life for children.
How has Covid-19 impacted the lives of children living with mothers in prison and what are the...
The Childhood and Adolescence Legal Review is an interactive quarterly collection of legal information on topics related to children and teenagers.
The purpose of this legal analysis is to facilitate professional...
At an international level, initiatives to combat the exploitation of child labour are based first and foremost on the development of a series of conventional instruments that must be ratified by individual countries.
The first...
Motherhood and work: a legal framework
Women are the group most affected by the difficulties in balancing work and family life. In Italy, there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality of treatment with...
Family and family-related policies: a legal framework
The family is a fundamental institution that has been radically transformed, especially since the entry into force of the 1948 Republican Constitution and the...