The analysis activity, provided for by art. 3 of Law No. 451/1997, is based on the re-elaboration of the data collected through both the research and monitoring activities carried out internally and those deriving from other selected sources. These activities aim to investigate the living conditions of children through the collection of original data and information, and to show the evolution in time of some specific phenomena.
In particular, with reference to the implementation of policies, the primary sources of data are Regions and Municipalities. The relevant data focuses on the conditions of childhood in general and on individual topics of greater current interest or complexity.
Periodic surveys are carried out on the implementation and the effects of the relevant legislation (including legislation not directly addressing children), in order to outline a picture of the trend and state of advancement of strategies targeting children within the framework of the principles and rights enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Various social research strategies are also used through the collection of significant examples of census and sample surveys and often by using focus group techniques and interviews with special witnesses.
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The Fourth Report on the status of the implementation of Law 149/2001, published in issue no. 41 of social research Notebooks, a series of publications of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, dwells on various aspects:...
The 2012-2015 Report is divided into five chapters. The first focuses on various issues: the birth rate, changes and the crisis of family relationships, poverty and social exclusion among children and families, children with...
The Monitoring Report of the Plan for the Development of Early Childhood Education Services as at 31 December 2015 seeks to provide evidence, through collaboration and the valuable contribution of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces,...
The publication National Action Plan for Children and Adolescents has been produced by the National Centre, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the Department for Family Policy with the aim of making the contents of...
Fourth National Action Plan for Children and Adolescents, approved by the Council of Ministers on 10 August 2016, after the green light of the National Observatory for childhood and adolescence, was...
Notebook 58 of the National Centre reports the results of a survey on the paths, times and outcomes of the national adoption process. The picture taken by the research concerns a part, albeit substantial, of the children adopted in our...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of October 2015
Family foster care and community placements. As of 31 December 2010 by Valerio Belotti
In Notebook 55, the full results of the sample survey on children and adolescents who experience being removed from their family of...
The drafting of the biennial report responds to Italy's obligation to monitor the living conditions of children and adolescents and the implementation of their rights, in accordance with the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child...
Minors who are removed from their families of origin and subsequently enter care services represent a complex reality that encompasses aspects of varying magnitude and seriousness: from the educational failings of families to parental...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of October 2013
Third National Action Plan was approved on January 21, 2011 by decree of the President of the Republic and published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Official Gazette) of May 9, 2011, General...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of Febraury 2013
The Third Report on the status of implementation of law no. 149/2001 was developed jointly by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the Ministry of Justice, with the collaboration of representatives of the...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of 2012
This publication presents the data collected through a survey on a nationally and regionally representative sample of 21,527 male and female students of the first and third years of lower secondary school and of the second year of...
What thoughts and perceptions do children and young people have about their rights and in particular about their right to have an active role in the different areas of their daily lives? With the aim of developing reflection and...
Costruire senso, negoziare spazi - Ragazze e ragazzi nella vita quotidiana (Building sense, negotiating spaces - Adolescents in daily life) is the title of Quaderno n. 50 of the National Centre. The publication presents the...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of October 2010
The Extraordinary Plan for developing socio-educational services for young children is an initiative to create a regional system that increases the number of existing services and renews the collaboration between the institutions of the...
This issue of the Quaderni of the National Centre reports the results of the preparatory work to the report on the implementation of Law no. 149/2001. This law provides the legal basis for care and protection policies in favour of...
The 2008-2009 Two-year report on the condition of children and adolescents in Italy collects the contributions of the various working groups of the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence. Being divided on a thematic...
The 2009-2011 National Action Plan was elaborated on the basis of the programmes and guidelines drawn up by the working groups of the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence during the meetings held from October 2007 to...
To try to understand the issue of child prostitution and promote debate, the new Quaderno of the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence presents a survey on this little visible, but unfortunately...
The Third and fourth reports of the Italian Government on the condition of childhood and adolescence in Italy were sent to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in the original English version on 22 January 2009. The Italian...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of February 2010
With the National Action Plan for the protection of the rights and the development of children and adolescents 2002-2004, the Government confirms the attention to children and adolescents as...
The 2000-2001 National Action Plan contains the basic strategic lines that the Government intends to pursue to develop an adequate policy for childhood and adolescence and concrete commitments, which are added to the...
Tables prepared by the National Center as of July 2009
The Government's Action Plan for Children and Adolescents 1997-1998 was intended to initiate new institutional developments that, in strengthening attention to the issues of childhood and adolescence, would make it produce...