In this section, you can search for the website contents concerning the rights of children enshrined in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child of 1989.
More general topics concerning human and civil rights and a collection of regional, national, European and international regulations on children have also been included.
You can also search for materials on the actions and activities of the institutions and organizations working for the protection of children.
To learn more about this topic, please also browse the website section dedicated to the UN Convention.
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Participation of children and young people in the democratic life
The concept of participation has changed over time, undergoing a real evolution which makes it possible, today, to identify this practice with a...
Promoting the skills of young people to encourage their independence: a legal framework
As of 2014, the 15th of July has been recognised as World Youth Skills Day.
By doing so, the UN General...
The National Office against Racial Discrimination (Unar), the Unicef Office for Europe and Central Asia in Italy and the Italian Committee for Unicef have signed a three-year memorandum of understanding to promote an inclusive culture...
The rights to play and social interaction of children and young people: a legal framework
Play and social interaction are also essential human rights, long recognised for every single child, boy and girl. At an...
Michela Vittoria Brambilla is the new president of the Parliamentary Commission for Childhood and Adolescence, which took office on 25 July.
The Commission – set up by Law 451/1997 and composed of twenty...
Two young people from the Youth Council of the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) also participated in the Enya 2023 Forum, which took place in Malta on 4 and 5 July.
The Forum – an event of the Enya...
On 4 July, the inaugural meeting of the National Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence, reconstituted by decree of the Minister for the Family, Birth Rate and Equal Opportunities, Eugenia Maria Roccella, of 22 May 2023, was held in...
As always, the youngest are the stars of #Giffoni53, an international film festival for children, the result of an idea by Claudio Gubitosi, which will take place in Giffoni Valle Piana, Salerno province, from 20 to 29 July....
On 26 and 27 June, the General Assembly organised by the European Commission to launch the EU Children's Participation Platform, a platform bringing together children and adolescents from all over Europe, took place in...
More than 6,500 young people between the ages of 12 and 18 took part in the public consultation The Future I'd Like, carried out by the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) Carla Garlatti together with Skuola.net.
The right to food and food security as fundamental rights of the children: a legal framework
One of the internationally guaranteed human rights is the right to food, acknowledged for the first time in Article 25...
How to evenly balance the right to emotional stability with the best interests of the child?
The grandparents' right to maintain a relationship with their grandchildren and to support them in...
Sports and gender discrimination. Beyond the stereotypes: the participation of girls
In Italy, sporting activity is regulated by the state and the regions in a residual manner, so that its management is...
The right of access of the non-custodial parent
How to protect the best interests of minors in private meetings
The issue addressed in the judgment of 10 November 2021 by the European Court of Human...
The future I would like is the new online public consultation aimed at adolescents between 14 and 18 years old launched by the Italian Ombudsman for Children (AGIA) Carla Garlatti on 16 January to gather the...
Children and young people's right to education: a legal framework
The right to education is an undeniable human right to be placed within the framework of...
Protection of minors' rights in civil, administrative and family law proceedings: an in-depth overview of the law
It is hard to dispute that since the approval of the Convention on the Rights of Children and...
On 16, 17 and 18 December last year, the adolescents and young people of the Youth Advisory Board (Yab) met in Milan for the third time to discuss the implementation of the Child Guarantee, an initiative by the European...
This is a guide to help officials of local and national institutions, school headteachers, teachers and other professionals to establish or strengthen Children's and Youth Councils, bodies composed of under-18s appointed to become their...
The Agenda for Children and Adolescents. 10 steps to make a practical commitment to the new generations is online on the website of the CRC Group (Working Group for the Convention on the Rights of Children and...
The supplement to issue 3/2022 of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled 'Diritto alla partecipazione di bambini, bambine, ragazzi e ragazze: il percorso dell’acquisizione di una consapevolezza (Right...
The severe crisis we are experiencing, exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic, affects everyone, but we must not forget that children and adolescents pay the highest price. This is precisely why it is crucial...
A guide to accompany coaches and sports managers in their work to support the growth of children involved in sports activities.
The publication, entitled The Protection of the Rights of Children in Sport, was presented...
The position statement on climate justice adopted at the Network's General Assembly on 21 September is now online on the website of the European Network of Advocates for Children and Adolescents (ENOC). The position statement is a short...
The best interests of children: the protection of rights in civil, administrative, and family proceedings
Do the best interests of children always take precedence, even in cross-border disputes?
...The National Guarantor for the Rights of Persons Detained or Deprived of Liberty, Mauro Palma, and the president of Unicef Italy, Carmela Pace, signed a three-year memorandum of understanding to promote children's rights,...
On 12 July, the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Elena Bonetti, approved the Guidelines for the Participation of Girls and Boys by decree. The document, adopted by the National Observatory for Childhood...
The parent-child relationship, amid the rights and needs for protection: meetings in a protected environment is the new initiative promoted by the Ombudsperson for Children (Agia) to carry out a review of the most...
Ending the detention of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant children across Europe. UNCHR, UNICEF and IOM repeated this in a joint study reviewing the relevant policies of European countries.
An advocacy document from which the...
An estimated 10 million children were displaced by weather-related shocks in 2020 alone. Approximately one billion (almost half of the world's 2.2 billion children), in contrast, live in 33 countries considered to be at high risk due to...