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Participation of children and young people in the democratic life
The concept of participation has changed over time, undergoing a real evolution which makes it possible, today, to identify this practice with a...
Promoting the skills of young people to encourage their independence: a legal framework
As of 2014, the 15th of July has been recognised as World Youth Skills Day.
By doing so, the UN General...
Two young people from the Youth Council of the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) also participated in the Enya 2023 Forum, which took place in Malta on 4 and 5 July.
The Forum – an event of the Enya...
As always, the youngest are the stars of #Giffoni53, an international film festival for children, the result of an idea by Claudio Gubitosi, which will take place in Giffoni Valle Piana, Salerno province, from 20 to 29 July....
On 26 and 27 June, the General Assembly organised by the European Commission to launch the EU Children's Participation Platform, a platform bringing together children and adolescents from all over Europe, took place in...
More than 6,500 young people between the ages of 12 and 18 took part in the public consultation The Future I'd Like, carried out by the Italian Ombudsperson for children (AGIA) Carla Garlatti together with Skuola.net.
The future I would like is the new online public consultation aimed at adolescents between 14 and 18 years old launched by the Italian Ombudsman for Children (AGIA) Carla Garlatti on 16 January to gather the...
On 16, 17 and 18 December last year, the adolescents and young people of the Youth Advisory Board (Yab) met in Milan for the third time to discuss the implementation of the Child Guarantee, an initiative by the European...
This is a guide to help officials of local and national institutions, school headteachers, teachers and other professionals to establish or strengthen Children's and Youth Councils, bodies composed of under-18s appointed to become their...
The supplement to issue 3/2022 of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled 'Diritto alla partecipazione di bambini, bambine, ragazzi e ragazze: il percorso dell’acquisizione di una consapevolezza (Right...
The position statement on climate justice adopted at the Network's General Assembly on 21 September is now online on the website of the European Network of Advocates for Children and Adolescents (ENOC). The position statement is a short...
On 12 July, the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Elena Bonetti, approved the Guidelines for the Participation of Girls and Boys by decree. The document, adopted by the National Observatory for Childhood...
The guidelines for the participation of children and young people are intended to offer and propose a renewed look at the participation practices of children and young people, presenting some ...
Advances and developments in participation and listening to children: a legal framework
Child participation in the society in which they live and in the decisions that affect them represents one of the most...
The young people who took part in the Forum entitled Let's Talk Young, Let's Talk About Climate Justice, held in Bilbao, Spain, from 28 to 30 June, tackled a very topical issue, climate justice.
The Forum - the...
On the 11th and 12th of June, the adolescents and young people of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) met for the second time in Rome to discuss the ongoing processes with the institutions on the priority issues dictated by the...
On 1 June, the National Observatory for Children and Adolescents approved the Guidelines for the participation of girls and boys. This is a very important document for all adults who share life experiences with young people in...
The GET UP project, short for Giovani Esperienze Trasformative di Utilità Sociale e Partecipazione (Transformative Experiences of Social Benefit and Participation for Young People), was launched by the...
Research with children is the theme of the reading path - taken from Rassegna bibliografica 4/2010 - written by Luigina Mortari, Professor of Epistemology of Pedagogical research at the University of Verona and Valentina...
This publication presents the data collected through a survey on a nationally and regionally representative sample of 21,527 male and female students of the first and third years of lower secondary school and of the second year of...
What thoughts and perceptions do children and young people have about their rights and in particular about their right to have an active role in the different areas of their daily lives? With the aim of developing reflection and...
Which role should be given to children in a research process? This is the topic addressed in the bibliographic review by Luigina Mortari, Professor of Epistemology of Pedagogical Research at the University of Verona, and by Valentina...
Costruire senso, negoziare spazi - Ragazze e ragazzi nella vita quotidiana (Building sense, negotiating spaces - Adolescents in daily life) is the title of Quaderno n. 50 of the National Centre. The publication presents the...