In this section, you can search for the website contents concerning the measures and actions for the protection of children living in vulnerable families, that are not able to provide them with the necessary care and support for their adequate psychological and physical support. In most of these cases, the child has been removed from their family of origin.
This topic includes adoption, international adoption, foster care and distance support.
You can also search for contents concerning the support to the families of origins of the removed children and the resulting reconciliation path of parents and children, where applicable. In this section you can also find materials on child-care services and care leavers, namely young people who, after turning 18, must exit the child-care system, thus preparing to become independent.
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Contemporary adoption challenges. The evolution of the institution of adoption in the light of recent European and national court rulings.
Stemming from the recent judgment of the European Court of...
On 18 May, Care Leavers Day is celebrated to raise awareness among all citizens on the plight and needs of care leavers, young people coming out of care in the community or in foster care who, at the age of eighteen,...
The Guidelines for facilitating the right to study of pupils who have been adopted 2023 are online on the website of the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit.
The document updates the previous Guidelines on the...
Declaration of the adoptability of a child by a domestic court on the grounds that the mother was unable to exercise her parental responsibilities.
In specialised courts, composed of professional and non-...
The Fifth report on the state of implementation of Law 149/2001 - which covers the years 2017-2020 - illustrates quantitative and qualitative data on the avoidance of removal from families of...
Today, 18 May, we are celebrating Care Leavers Day, to raise awareness of the plight and needs of care leavers, young people coming out of care in the community or in foster care who, at the age of eighteen, often find...
Care leavers are young people who, at the age of 18, no longer live with their family due to a decision taken by a judicial authority.
When we talk about care leavers and the...
The supplement to the 4/2021 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled La cura delle relazioni nei percorsi adoptivi e nel post adozione (Building relationships during and after the adoption...
Care Leavers experiment Report - second year, January 2022
The aim of the Care Leavers project is to support young adults who have been placed in the community or in foster care towards self-...
The enhancement of intrafamilial foster care in the most recent court of cassation case-law. The contribution of vicarious figures
In the context of temporary foster...
The report Bambini e ragazzi in accoglienza in Italia (Children and adolescents in care in Italy), produced by Istituto degli Innocenti and published in issue 66 of the Notebooks of the National Centre,...
This publication has been produced by Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence within the framework of the activities envisaged by the Collaboration Agreement with the Directorate General for the Fight against Poverty and for Social...
The sample survey on the placement of children and young people in family foster care and in residential facilities for minors, promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy during 2017, seeks to focus on the quantitative...
The version for children and adolescents of the Guidelines for foster care is carried out by Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence as part of the activities envisaged by the collaboration agreement pursuant to Article 15 paragraph...
The version for children and adolescents of the Guidelines for Reception in Residential Services for Children is carried out by Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence as part of the activities envisaged by the collaboration agreement...
The thematic track, published online in the supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 1/2018, addresses the issue of access to information about one's origins.
Raffaella Pregliasco, Researcher at Istituto degli Innocenti and...
The Fourth Report on the status of the implementation of Law 149/2001, published in issue no. 41 of social research Notebooks, a series of publications of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, dwells on various aspects:...
The new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 4/2016 addresses, in its reading path, the topic of residential services for autonomy dedicated to young people coming out of care sector paths. Federico Zullo, Educator and...
Notebook 58 of the National Centre reports the results of a survey on the paths, times and outcomes of the national adoption process. The picture taken by the research concerns a part, albeit substantial, of the children adopted in our...
The Subsidiary for operators and families is in continuity with the Guidelines for Foster Care, approved by the United Conference (of government, regions and autonomous provinces) on 25 October...
The thematic path, published for the first time in an electronic format only as a supplement to n. 1/2013 of Rassegna bibliografica, deals with a specific aspect of intercountry adoption: the construction of...
Family foster care and community placements. As of 31 December 2010 by Valerio Belotti
In Notebook 55, the full results of the sample survey on children and adolescents who experience being removed from their family of...
Minors who are removed from their families of origin and subsequently enter care services represent a complex reality that encompasses aspects of varying magnitude and seriousness: from the educational failings of families to parental...
Seven years later, Ivana Comelli, PhD in Social and Developmental Psychology at the Catholic University of Milan, and Raffaella Iafrate, Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the Catholic University of Milan, propose a new...
The Third Report on the status of implementation of law no. 149/2001 was developed jointly by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and the Ministry of Justice, with the collaboration of representatives of the...
The Guidelines for family foster care are part of the national project 'Un percorso nell'affido (A path in foster care),' launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in collaboration...
This issue of the Quaderni of the National Centre reports the results of the preparatory work to the report on the implementation of Law no. 149/2001. This law provides the legal basis for care and protection policies in favour of...
The national project "A path in foster care" was launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy with the aim of relaunching the institution of family foster care and promoting knowledge and...
The reading path of this new issue of the Rassegna bibliografica focuses on the contemporary debate on residential care for children, highlighting two different points of view: on the one hand, those who support the idea that...