The periodic Report required by paragraph 1 of Article 17 of Law No. 269/1998 constitutes a useful basis for monitoring the implementation of the interventions, the progress made, but also the delays and inconsistencies existing in the fight against the various forms of child sexual exploitation and in combating all other forms of violence linked to it, that are part of children’s experience .
The Report is based, first of all, on a survey and collection of qualitative and quantitative information that the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Children and Adolescents carries out specifically for this purpose by involving Regions, civil society, as well as ordinary and juvenile prosecutors' offices and courts, contacted in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice to carry out a specific survey on the application of procedural and trial rules for the hearing of child victims of sexual crimes. The results of the search activities are integrated with information collected by the National Centre as a result of other periodic surveys (e.g. the Report on the implementation of Law No.285/1997, or the Report on the implementation of Law No. 149/2001), and in the performance of its institutional activities of research, investigation, and documentation.
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The Report to Parliament on the coordinated activity referred to in article 17, paragraph 1, of Italian Law no. 269 of 3 August 1998 (Regulations against the exploitation of prostitution, pornography and sex tourism to the...
The Report to Parliament on the coordination activities on prostitution, pornography, sex tourism involving children, as new forms of slavery pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 1, of Law No. 269 of 3 August 1998...
The 2018 report focuses on providing key elements regarding the adoption of specific coordination actions, above all at government level, as well as knowledge of data on the phenomenon...
This report, relating to the year 2017, gives an overview of the activities carried out by the public administrations in the field of prevention,...
Nel Quaderno 27 viene pubblicata la seconda Relazione al Parlamento sullo stato di attuazione della legge 3 agosto 1998 n. 269, Norme contro lo sfruttamento della prostituzione, della pornografia, del turismo...
La legge 3 agosto 1998, n. 269 Norme contro lo sfruttamento della prostituzione, della pornografia, del turismo sessuale in danno di minori, quali nuove forme di schiavitù, prevede che ogni anno il Governo riferisca al...
Reporting for the years 1998-1999, this report takes into account not only Law no. 269/98 but also law no. 66 of 15 February 1996 on sexual violence: the problems addressed by the two...