In this section you can find contents concerning children who experience or have experienced conditions of difficulty, marginalization and violence and are therefore more likely to experience a problematic development. These complex situations often give rise to even greater discomfort and social marginalization, to aggressiveness towards peers and adults, to a spiral of violence generating more violence, and to bullying. Children experiencing such situations often end up in the juvenile justice system, as either child offenders or victims.
In this section you can search for different types of materials, starting from those representing the legal foundations on this topic and concerning the juvenile penitentiary system, the conditions of children in detention and children of detained parents, as well as the topic of juvenile justice from a more general perspective.
You can also find contents concerning the complex topics of drug, alcohol and gambling addictions and child labour.
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Rassegna bibliografica 2/2009 has as its main theme the figure of the juvenile judge on which Luigi Fadiga, Professor of Juvenile Law at the LUMSA University of Rome, former president of the Juvenile Court of Rome, focuses the...
To try to understand the issue of child prostitution and promote debate, the new Quaderno of the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence presents a survey on this little visible, but unfortunately...
The issue of child prostitution in our country has several grey areas, mainly due to the fact that the numbers seem to be growing but are in fact ‘denied’ and under-reported. In order to raise awareness of this reality, in terms of the...
How can we inform and protect very young people from the risks of drinking too much alcohol? In order to find as comprehensive an answer as possible, in 2007 the National Centre carried out research on alcohol use and abuse among young...
Il bullismo in ambito scolastico è un tema di grande attualità, ampiamente dibattuto sui media, oggetto di studi e ricerche. Il numero 1/2007 di Cittadini in crescita si sofferma su questo argomento, tracciando un quadro del fenomeno...
The Handbook is a tool for use by labour inspectors to support their vital role in identifying and eliminating high-risk child labour situations. The text provides an overview of their task and shows how to address the problem, not only...
The study Percorsi di vita: dall’infanzia all’età adulta (Life paths: from childhood to adult age) was carried out in accordance with the 2003-2004 National Action Plan for the protection of the rights and development of...
Within the varied panorama of current immigration, unaccompanied foreign minors constitute a ‘new’ category of migrants both in Europe and in other parts of the world. The reading of this issue, written by Clara Silva, Professor of...
The reading of this issue, written by Pasquale Andria, President of the Potenza Juvenile Court, begins by identifying the difficulties and criticalities of juvenile justice, and then...
Il primo numero di Cittadini in crescita per l’anno 2005, pone l’attenzione su due temi di attualità sia per l’Italia che per l’Europa: la tratta di minori e i minori stranieri.
...L’ultimo numero di Cittadini in crescita per l’anno 2004 è dedicato all’approfondimento del tema della violenza all’infanzia, a partire dai Contributi che ne affrontano i diversi aspetti con un taglio complementare....
The booklet 'Safe Exit' is the result of a work promoted by the National Centre in 2002, which involved a group of adolescents in a reflective process (a workshop of ideas) on the topic of violence.
The confrontation between the...
Nel Quaderno 27 viene pubblicata la seconda Relazione al Parlamento sullo stato di attuazione della legge 3 agosto 1998 n. 269, Norme contro lo sfruttamento della prostituzione, della pornografia, del turismo...
The publication reports the speeches held at the international seminar Filling the knowledge gaps. A research agenda on the impact of armed conflict on children, (Florence, 2-4 July 2001).
The seminar was organized by...
Issue 4/2001 of the Bibliographical Review opens with a special section on children victims of armed conflicts, a topic that is unfortunately becoming increasingly topical.
This section on the subject, which brings together the...
La legge 3 agosto 1998, n. 269 Norme contro lo sfruttamento della prostituzione, della pornografia, del turismo sessuale in danno di minori, quali nuove forme di schiavitù, prevede che ogni anno il Governo riferisca al...
Reporting for the years 1998-1999, this report takes into account not only Law no. 269/98 but also law no. 66 of 15 February 1996 on sexual violence: the problems addressed by the two...
Il Quaderno 13 è dedicato al lavoro di monitoraggio statistico sull’infanzia e l’adolescenza al di fuori dei confini nazionali, in particolare di Francia,...
The 1996 Report on the condition of children and adolescents in Italy mainly focuses on difficult situations which may jeopardize the children’s process of development.
As established in the agreement signed with the Department...