In this section, you can search for the website contents concerning the rights of children enshrined in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child of 1989.
More general topics concerning human and civil rights and a collection of regional, national, European and international regulations on children have also been included.
You can also search for materials on the actions and activities of the institutions and organizations working for the protection of children.
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The guidelines for the participation of children and young people are intended to offer and propose a renewed look at the participation practices of children and young people, presenting some ...
The definition of guidelines to be applied uniformly throughout Italy for the removal of children with the assistance of the police following a court order or urgent referral. This is the objective of the working table promoted in...
The Fifth National Action Plan for the protection of the rights and the development of children and adolescents has been approved by the National Observatory for childhood and adolescence ...
Advances and developments in participation and listening to children: a legal framework
Child participation in the society in which they live and in the decisions that affect them represents one of the most...
The young people who took part in the Forum entitled Let's Talk Young, Let's Talk About Climate Justice, held in Bilbao, Spain, from 28 to 30 June, tackled a very topical issue, climate justice.
The Forum - the...
The 12th Update Report on the monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Italy, produced by the hundred associations of the Group with the coordination of Arianna Saulini, of Save the Children, is online on the...
The right to access one's own origins. The mother's right to be forgotten prevails over the adoptee's right to know his or her origins.
The biological mother's alleged inability - by reason of her...
On the 11th and 12th of June, the adolescents and young people of the Youth Advisory Board (YAB) met for the second time in Rome to discuss the ongoing processes with the institutions on the priority issues dictated by the...
A survey of draft laws under discussion in Parliament on preventing and combating the abuse and mistreatment of children in the educational and school environment
Violence against children can take very...
The Report to Parliament 2021 by the Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence Carla Garlatti, available online on the website of the Authority, a key figure for the promotion and protection of children's rights...
Migrant children and adolescents, refugees, asylum seekers, both accompanied and unaccompanied: the rights and protections. A legal framework
Being a migrant, refugee or asylum-seeking child leads to the...
On 1 June, the National Observatory for Children and Adolescents approved the Guidelines for the participation of girls and boys. This is a very important document for all adults who share life experiences with young people in...
The right to health as a priority for the present and the future: a legal framework
April 7 marks World Health Day, an annual international event that is celebrated to draw attention to a topic of concern to...
Testimony of the child at the preliminary investigation stage. Evidentiary proceedings and forms of protection for children.
What protection is provided for the testimony of children in criminal proceedings...
This revised translation of the UN Convention arose from the need to highlight the great changes that have taken place in recent decades at a cultural,...
Access to information: between rights and protection. A legal framework
Ensuring access to safe...
Children's rights in the digital environment
Committee on the Rights of the Child, General Comment no. 25, CRC/C/GC/25 of 2 March 2021, Children's rights in relation to the digital environment
During its...
This video was made by the Department for Family Policies in support of the event celebrating the National Day of the Rights of the Child 2020.
The institution of the Day, envisaged by the Italian government by law no. 451 of...
The Agenda for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis on Children and Adolescents was created with a view to accompanying,...
The video was made to celebrate World Children’s Day 2020, as part of the communication campaign run by the Department for Family Policy.
...The year 2020 marks twenty-five years since the historic World Conference on Women in Beijing, which was undoubtedly an event of great significance and which laid the foundations for new challenges aimed at achieving...
The supplement to issue 1/2020 of Rassegna bibliografica is composed of a reading path entitled The approach to multidisciplinary team work in the protection of children and adolescents, edited by Antonietta Varricchio - Legal...
This Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2017 is dedicated to a reflection on the twenty years its implementation...
Ensuring an alternative life for minors from families rooted in organized crime contexts: this is the goal of the memorandum of understanding signed on November 5 by the Minister of Education, University and Research Lorenzo Fioramonti...
The GET UP project, short for Giovani Esperienze Trasformative di Utilità Sociale e Partecipazione (Transformative Experiences of Social Benefit and Participation for Young People), was launched by the...
The Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2016, published in Notebook 65 of the National Centre, is divided into seven chapters.
The first chapter presents a...
The Children and Adolescents version of the Report of the Italian Government to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (reference period 2008-2016) is produced by Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence as part of the activities...
The Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2015, published in Notebook 63 of the National Centre, is divided into four sections.
The first presents the activities of Coordination...
The thematic path, of Rassegna bibliografica supplement 4/2017, deals with the theme of all children's right to play. Gianfranco Staccioli, a well-known pedagogue and author of numerous books on the educational and formative...