The Notebooks of the Centre collect research, study materials and documentation, and essays by experts on topics concerning childhood and adolescence, which over time were subject to examination. This collection includes the monographic notebooks as well as the volumes on the paths and results obtained by the activities related to the implementation of laws No. 285/1997, 269/1998 and 149/2001, namely the planning, training and the annual reports submitted to the Parliament for the analysis on the implementation of the laws.
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Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
This Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2017 is dedicated to a reflection on the twenty years its implementation...
Topics: Children in alternative care
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The report Bambini e ragazzi in accoglienza in Italia (Children and adolescents in care in Italy), produced by Istituto degli Innocenti and published in issue 66 of the Notebooks of the National Centre,...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Social policies for children and adolescents
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2016, published in Notebook 65 of the National Centre, is divided into seven chapters.
The first chapter presents a...
Topics: Well-being
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Surveys, studies and researches
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Notebook 64 of the National Centre reports the results of a sample survey on the well-being of pre-adolescents and adolescents promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies with the collaboration of the...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2015, published in Notebook 63 of the National Centre, is divided into four sections.
The first presents the activities of Coordination...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2014, published in Notebook 62 of the National Centre, is divided into three chapters.
The first presents an analysis of the projects implemented...
Topics: Roma children and adolescents
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Law No. 285/1997 and related pilot projects [so called “Experimentations”]
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: RSC Project, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Notebook 60 of the National Centre publishes the Final Report of the second year (2014-2015) of the National Project for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children. An initiative promoted by the...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2013, published in the National Centre's Notebook 59, is divided into seven chapters.
The first presents an analysis of the projects implemented...
Topics: Adoption, alternative care and child-care services, Adoption
Activities: Analysis, research and monitoring, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Surveys, studies and researches
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Notebook 58 of the National Centre reports the results of a survey on the paths, times and outcomes of the national adoption process. The picture taken by the research concerns a part, albeit substantial, of the children adopted in our...
Topics: Roma children and adolescents
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Law No. 285/1997 and related pilot projects [so called “Experimentations”]
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: RSC Project, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Notebook 57 of the National Centre publishes the Final Report of the first year (2013-2014) of the National Project for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children, promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The first two parts of the Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for 2012, published in Notebook 56 of the National Centre, give an account of the results of two experimental projects (Pippi and R.S.C.) and...
Topics: Children in alternative care
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Family foster care and community placements. As of 31 December 2010 by Valerio Belotti
In Notebook 55, the full results of the sample survey on children and adolescents who experience being removed from their family of...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
In this issue of the Quaderni, the Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of law 285/1997 for the year 2011 is published by Cristina Mattiuzzo and Valentina Rossi, which presents a detailed analysis of the...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
This Notebook contains the Report to Parliament on the state of implementation of Law 285/1997 for the year 2010, which provides a broad and articulated picture of the comparison and coordination activities between the Ministry of...
Topics: Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Italy. Law No. 285/1997
Activities: The Centre's Publications, Monitoring Law No. 285/1997
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Projects and reports Law 285/1997, Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The Quaderno 52 presents the results of the monitoring of the projects carried out by the Beneficiary Cities in favour of children and adolescents using the funds allocated through Law no. 285; the Quaderno, edited by Lorenzo Campioni,...
Topics: The status of children, Well-being
Activities: The Centre's Publications
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Notebook 51 of the National Centre - edited by Valerio Belotti, Professor of Sociology at the University of Padua, and Enrico Moretti, Statistician at the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence - proposes a precise collection and analysis...
Topics: Child participation and leadership
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Costruire senso, negoziare spazi - Ragazze e ragazzi nella vita quotidiana (Building sense, negotiating spaces - Adolescents in daily life) is the title of Quaderno n. 50 of the National Centre. The publication presents the...
Topics: Foster care
Activities: Reports on the implementation of the laws concerning children, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre, Report on the implementation of Law No.149/2001
This issue of the Quaderni of the National Centre reports the results of the preparatory work to the report on the implementation of Law no. 149/2001. This law provides the legal basis for care and protection policies in favour of...
Topics: Sexual exploitation
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
To try to understand the issue of child prostitution and promote debate, the new Quaderno of the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence presents a survey on this little visible, but unfortunately...
Topics: The status of children, Adolescence , Childhood
Activities: Statistics and data on children, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Europa has grown. The traditional 15 Member States were joined in 2004 by 10 countries of the Eastern Bloc and on 1 January 2007 by Bulgaria and Romania. But how do families and, above all, children and adolescents live in the EU...
Topics: The status of children, Adolescence , Childhood
Activities: Statistics and data on children, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
After years of steady decline, the birth rate is rising again in Italy. It is increasing especially in the north and a little less in the center of the country. The demographic decline seems to have temporarily stopped and according to...
Topics: Adolescence , Childhood
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The survey, which involved approximately 24,000 families, 29.2% of which with under-age children, comes a few years after the previous statistical study, which had focused for the first time on aspects concerning in particular minors....
Topics: Sexual abuse of children and adolescents
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Surveys, studies and researches
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The study Percorsi di vita: dall’infanzia all’età adulta (Life paths: from childhood to adult age) was carried out in accordance with the 2003-2004 National Action Plan for the protection of the rights and development of...
Topics: Foster care
Activities: Reports on the implementation of the laws concerning children, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre, Report on the implementation of Law No.149/2001
The peculiarity of this report on the state of implementation of Law no. 149/2001 is that it was drawn up thanks to the contribution of multiple institutions: the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Ministry of Justice, the...
Topics: Play, games and toys, Internet and ICT, Mass media
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Surveys, studies and researches
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The research published in Quaderno 38 and coordinated by Marina D'Amato investigates the relationship between children and the media and the influence which the latter have on the upbringing and education of children.
It is...
Topics: Health, Mental disorders
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The main objective of the research is strictly exploratory, i.e. to investigate the perception of learning disorders by all those who come into contact with children aged 6-14 years, during both their school education and their personal...
Topics: Early Childhood Education and Care services
Activities: Searches and Surveys, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
The volume gives an overview, as of 31 December 2005, of national and regional data and legislation concerning early childhood services in Italy.
The survey shows that there has been a considerable growth since 2000: the number of...
Topics: Adolescence , Childhood
Activities: Statistics and data on children, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
In questa edizione dei “numeri europei” dell’infanzia e l’adolescenza il Centro Nazionale ha inserito i dati principali riguardanti i nuovi Paesi entrati a far parte dell’Unione europea...
Topics: Sexual exploitation, Sexual abuse of children and adolescents
Activities: Reports on the implementation of the laws concerning children, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre, Report on the implementation of Law No. 269/1998
Nel Quaderno 27 viene pubblicata la seconda Relazione al Parlamento sullo stato di attuazione della legge 3 agosto 1998 n. 269, Norme contro lo sfruttamento della prostituzione, della pornografia, del turismo...
Topics: Adolescence , Childhood
Activities: Statistics and data on children, The Centre's Publications
Type of resource: Reports
Titles: Quaderni del Centro - Notebooks of the Centre
Il Quaderno 25 si sviluppa in venti capitoli tematici con informazioni che riguardano i vari argomenti attinenti ai bambini e ai ragazzi – popolazione, adozioni e...