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The supplement to number 2/2023 of the Bibliographical Review consists of a reading list entitled Good Birth: a multidimensional concept. Reflections, policies and practices...
The supplement to number 4/2022 of the bibliographical review is composed of a reading path entitled Planning and spreading of Family Centres in Italy and Tuscany by Francesco...
The supplement to issue 3/2022 of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled 'Diritto alla partecipazione di bambini, bambine, ragazzi e ragazze: il percorso dell’acquisizione di una consapevolezza (Right...
The supplement to the 2/2022 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading path entitled L'impatto della pornografia online sulle persone di minore età tra mito e realtà (virtuale) (The impact of online pornography on...
The supplement to the 1/2022 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled I servizi integrativi tra norme, diffusione quantitativa ed elementi di qualità (The supplementary services between standards,...
The supplement to the 4/2021 issue of the Bibliographic Review consists of a reading programme entitled La cura delle relazioni nei percorsi adoptivi e nel post adozione (Building relationships during and after the adoption...
The network of educational opportunities: investing in facilities for children and teenagers
The supplement to issue number 3/2021 of the Bibliographic Review consists of literature under the title, ...
The supplement to issue 1/2021 of Rassegna bibliografica consists of a reading path, entitled Bambini e adolescenti al tempo del Covid-19 (Children and adolescents at the time of Covid-19) by Michele Mannelli...
The supplement to issue 4/2020 of Rassegna bibliografica consists of a reading path, entitled Health and well-being of children in the first 1000 days of life by Monica Mancini -...
The supplement to the 3/2020 issue of Rassegna bibliografica consists of a reading path entitled Disability and autonomy by Antonietta Varricchio – an expert in family law and child protection, a collaborator...
The supplement to the 2/2020 issue of the Rassegna bibliografica consists of a reading path entitled Digital natives: the touch generation and social media, by Federico Pieri - an expert in social policies,...
The supplement to issue 1/2020 of Rassegna bibliografica is composed of a reading path entitled The approach to multidisciplinary team work in the protection of children and adolescents, edited by Antonietta Varricchio - Legal...
The supplement to issue 4/2019 of Rassegna bibliografica consists of a reading path entitled The promotion of parenting skills: an excursus between notions and intervention models - edited by Paola Milani, Ph....
The reading path of this issue was edited by Sara Mazzucchelli and Maria Letizia Bosoni - Researchers in Sociology at the Catholic University of Milan, respectively at the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Education Sciences....
Sociologist Andrea Failli's bibliographical path, dedicated to the orphans of domestic crimes, is very wide-ranging because it is not limited to special orphans, but starts from the phenomenon of feminicide, analysing...
30 years after the promulgation of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, Roberta Bosisio (University of Turin) identifies some critical issues in the current debate on children's rights: 1) the meanings attributed to...
The theme of educational poverty is at the heart of the in-depth thematic path of the Rassegna bibliografica supplement 2/2018. Experts from Save the Children, Antonella Inverno and Arianna Saulini, highlight how more than 26 million...
The thematic track, published online in the supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 1/2018, addresses the issue of access to information about one's origins.
Raffaella Pregliasco, Researcher at Istituto degli Innocenti and...
The thematic path, of Rassegna bibliografica supplement 4/2017, deals with the theme of all children's right to play. Gianfranco Staccioli, a well-known pedagogue and author of numerous books on the educational and formative...
The thematic path, from the supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 3/2017, deals with the theme of inclusion in education. As Maurizio Parente, pedagogue and author of the reading path writes, inclusive education implies thinking...
Adolescents as a problem, adolescents as a resource is the title of the reading path created by Patrizia Meringolo, Professor of Group and Community Psychology at the University of Florence. With a community psychology perspective, the...
The supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 1/2017 offers, in the reading path edited by Elena Innocenti (researcher), a reflection on the evolution of welfare systems. In response to new social needs, in recent years we have...
The new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 4/2016 addresses, in its reading path, the topic of residential services for autonomy dedicated to young people coming out of care sector paths. Federico Zullo, Educator and...
The thematic path that evolves online in the new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 3/2016 addresses the issue of the integrated education and training system from birth to 6 years. In the reading path,...
The thematic path of the supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 2/2016 deals with the issue of unaccompanied minors. Joseph Moyersoen, Jurist and President of the European Section of AIMMF, starting with the evolution of the...
The juvenile offender is the theme of the supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 1/2016. The jurist Paola Pannia, starting from the studies that offer an analysis on the statistical data, the biographical characteristics and the...
The new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica addresses the issue of poverty and social exclusion of children and young people. Enrico Moretti, a statistician at Istituto degli Innocenti, examines the most recent studies, including those...
Emotional education is the theme of the new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 3/2015. Maria Rita Mancaniello, Researcher in General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Florence, reflects on the importance, in the...
How do girls and boys grow up in same-sex parented families? What are the characteristics of family relations in different family types compared to the traditional model? In this new supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 2/2015...
Through an extensive survey of studies on the family since the 1950s and 1960s, the supplement to Rassegna bibliografica 1/2015 deals with the theme of "fragile families", those which come into contact with social services,...